We often receive referrals directly from parents who are concerned about their child’s development. At Senara, we believe that every child deserves better access to high quality therapy, to ensure they thrive.
These include:- Occupational therapists, advanced sensory integration therapists, specialist educational support and dyslexia services. We work closely with other professionals from the local authority and the NHS to ensure we are providing the best possible advice and support.
We recognise the importance of working with a professional that you can trust and with whom you feel you can have a good relationship with. All of our therapists have been selected for their skill set and approachable personality.
Our assessment pathway has 3 steps. Gathering information, screening to ensure we are the correct service for you and a detailed standardised assessment.
1. Referral form
When you are ready to contact us, click the ‘Make a Referral’ tab, download the referral form and send this to our admin team. You will be added to our waiting list. Referrals are allocated in date order, as and when our therapists have capacity on their case loads. One of our team of occupational therapists will be in contact as soon as possible, but we are unable to provide time scales at this time.
2. Initial screening telephone appointment
Within this telephone call we will discuss any concerns you might have about your child, we will ask further questions to help us decide if we are the right service for you. If we are able to help, we can advise which assessments may need to be completed. We can book your child's assessment during the phone if you feel ready to do so, alternatively you may need some time to think further about it.
3. Assessment
Our assessments are either completed in school or within your home, this includes gathering information from family/carers and professionals working with the child. Standardised and non standardised assessments and observations during play.
Our highly skilled therapists have training and experience in several therapeutic approaches, offering individually tailored therapy. The families we work with tell us that this flexibility enables them to develop a greater understanding of their family and ways in which to support their children at home and in school.
Please Make a Referral (click here) to find out more information about our treatment packages.